The Rock is a power-packed fast paced action thriller directed by Micheal Bay. This I believe should be one of the best films from the director because of his excellent making that makes two hours and a bit more duration a pure treat.
The Rock may not necessarily be a completely original film because there are parts here and there inside the film that easily reminds one of a few other films in the past. But I don't wish to call The Rock as a cliche as the films writing manages to be interesting and its making equally good. The premise of the rock is bang on. It offers a lot of interesting sequence and two awesome characters. Micheal Bay makes the characters even better by casting Sean Connery and Nicholas Cage, both of whom carry an excellent screen chemistry throughout the film. To make a hero powerful it is important to have a killer of a villain and Ed Harris is perfect for that. To add more fun to the dynamic shots and fast cuts is the splendid score by Hans Zimmer and Nick Glenne-Smith.