The fourth installment of the Mission Impoosible series comes from Brad Bird, the director who made animation films like The Incredibles and Ratatouille. I saw the film twice. First at Cinemax, Ernakulam and later at the Prasads, Hyderabad. I hadn't posted the about the film earlier because I hoped to catch up with this film a second time before I gave away what I thought. The experience that I had at the two viewing where entirely different. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol only has selected footage shot using IMAX cameras but even then the viewing of the IMAX version gave a totally new dimension. Beyond the quality of a film, the experience that it gives you is something that is very hard for me to describe with the vocabulary I know. The viewing of Ghost Protocol in the IMAX screen was one such. Ghost Protocol is a little different from the other films so far in the series. More than the freshness of the cast, the lighter tone that Brad Bird has successfully introduced...