The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec is an adventure film directed by Luc Besson. The film was selected by Besson to be one among his five films to be screened for his retrospective at the International film festival of India 2011. Though I missed it during the festival, I was able to catch up with it once I made it home. Adele Blanc-Sec was an interesting watch. It had a comic nature throughout and proceeded with plot developments and characters that I thoroughly enjoyed watching. The film has been based on a comic book series as far as I can know from the wikipedia page of the film. The narrative does carry that comic flavor very much for the entire duration of the film. It is delightful for most part except that the film runs a little long and could have been better if it was a tad crisper. The film demanded a good deal of visual effects but the output wasn't quite as convincing. If it was little more brilliant, I guess that the adventure would have man...