First things first. I don't actually like the idea of talking monkeys.
I watched the Tim Burton remake of the planet of the apes thinking that it would come in handy when I watched rise of the planet of the apes. But I was wrong. The Tim Burton picture was a remake and the Rise of the Planet of the Apes a reboot of the series. The franchise already had five films made before these two. Wonder what is so interesting about these talking chimpanzees.
The Tim Burton remake was a very hard film to sit through. The writing was just too lame for my senses. The makeup might have had some real hardwork but I don't care. I really dint like this picture. I'm sure that the crazy creatures and sets of the other Tim Burton films would have made a far better experience than this.
The reboot, Rise of the planet of the Apes, was almost awesome considering the hard time I had completing the remake. This time the team doesn't rely on make but advanced visual effects for the creation of apes. It is far too huge a challenge to make convincing creatures in movies but these people have actually managed to a great extent. The visual effects is splendid. At times the chimps looked so bloody real and so much alive. The motion capture too has its share of greatness. At a couple of instances I felt the character of Caesar, the main chimpanzee, showing some great acting that might have been better than James Franco, Brian Cox, Frieda Pinto or anyone in the cast! It was Andy Serkins who was motion captured for the chimp and he is just too awesome at this I guess. He out beats his own work for Gollum, of the Lord of the Rings, with this I suppose.
The writing of the film does not have much complications. It's almost straight, simple and predictable. The neat execution of the proceedings makes it engaging enough and a decent watch. And the good news I had was these monkeys hardly talked.